Dr. Bowdish speaks about COVID-19 vaccinations to the Canadian Arthritis Patient Alliance

On November 4, 2023, the Canadian Arthritis Patient Alliance hosted an educational webinar and panel discussion about COVID-19 vaccines moderated by Dr. Dawn Richards, Vice-President with CAPA. The panel included: – Nadine Lalonde, who lives with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and is – involved as an active patient partner on various research projects and a member of the Arthritis Patient Advisory Board with Arthritis Research Canada – Inés Colmegna is a rheumatologist, researcher and Associate Professor of Medicine at McGill University – Dawn Bowdish is a Canada Research Chair in Aging and Immunity, and Professor, McMaster University #CAPA #CanadianArthritisPatientAlliance #arthritis #rheumatoidarthritis #arthritisawareness #livingwitharthritis #ra #ramedications #managingra #earlystagesofarthritis #arthritisadvocate #arthritispatient #arthritistreatment #rheumatoid #arthritisresource #didyouknow #flares #managingflares #flaring #vaccines #covid19 #RAvaccines

The Bowdish lab is not accepting undergraduate thesis or summer students for the 2021/22 academic year.

Due to COVID occupancy restrictions we cannot accept thesis students for the 2021/22 school year. We acknowledge how frustrating it is for undergraduates who want to participate in research; however, the team is too busy with COVID related projects to devote the time required for virtual projects. Best of luck to all those searching for positions.

How do you balance productivity & psychological safety in a lab? by Dr. Bowdish and others.

Cell Systems asks group leaders how they foster mutually reinforcing research productivity and psychological safety in their teams. Dr. Bowdish and others reflect on this question here…