Dawn is now located on the 4th floor of MDCL in office MDCL-4020.
Category Archives: News
Michael Dorrington presents his work on pattern recognition receptors which recognize Streptococcus pneumoniae, November 2, 2011
Mike will be presenting at this week’s “Work in Progress” seminar. For details click kafka and dorrington-nov-2-11.
Fiona Whelan presents “Scavenging the Genome: The Evolution of the class A scavenger receptors” October, 19, 2011
Come see Fiona’s Work in Progress Seminar on her analysis of the evolution of the class A scavenger receptors and the implications this work has for redefining the definition of this family. For details click here cuddington and whelan-oct-19-1.
Dawn wins G. Jeanette Thorbecke Award from the Society of Leukocyte Biology.
The Thorbecke award was created by the SLB to honor G. Jeanette Thorbecke, M. D., Ph.D., and Professor of Pathology at the New York University School of Medicine, who tragically died in a swimming accident in November 2001. The award is intended for a deserving young female investigator working in the area of cellular and molecular mechanisms of host defense and inflammation.
As part of the award, Dawn will present recent work from the Bowdish lab at the 2011 SLB meeting in Kansas City, MO entitled “Age-Associated Changes in Monocyte/Macrophage Function Predispose the Elderly to Infectious Disease”, to be presented on Thursday September 22, 2011 at 4:45pm. In addition she will be giving a second talk at 5:15 Sept 23 in the “Hematopoiesis under Pressure” section.
Many prestigious early career scientists have received this award and Dawn is honoured to be counted among them. Dawn would like to express her thanks to all those who nominated her.
Click here for the article on the McMaster Daily News.
Dawn wins ASPIRE-Pfizer New Investigator Award
Dawn received the ASPIRE-Pfizer New Investigator Award for her work on understanding why the elderly are so susceptible to pneumonia. For more details see here.
Congratulations to Dr. Chris Verschoor on received the M.G. DeGroote Post-doctoral fellowship
Dr. Chris Verschoor has won the Micheal G. DeGroote Postdoctoral fellowship for 2011-2012. The prestigious Michael G. DeGroote Fellowship Awards provide postdoctoral candidates in the Faculty of Health Sciences the opportunity to pursue leading-edge health sciences research.The awards are designed for candidates who have an exemplary academic record and are interested in pursuing postdoctoral work in one of the numerous areas of research excellence in the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University.
Dr. Verschoor won the award for his innovative project proposal on discovering the fundamental basis of susceptibility to pneumonia in the elderly. Pneumonia is a leading cause of death and decline of function in the elderly and a significant cost to the Canadian Health Care System. Dr. Verschoor proposes to discover the underlying molecular mechanisms of their increased susceptibility with a long term goal of discovering innovative therapies.
Congratulations to Fiona, Sarah, and Alicja on awards won.
Sarah Chauvin won a prestigious NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Award (USRA) to work in the Bowdish lab this summer. Fiona Whelan (MSc candidate) won “best poster” at a CREST meeting (Current research in Engineering, Science & Technology) hosted by the WISE initiative and Alicja Puchta (PhD candidate) won a travel scholarship to attend a recent Keystone meeting (Immunity in the Respiratory Tract: Challenges of the Lung Environment). Way to go Team!
No longer accepting applications for summer students/thesis students for the Fall 2011/Winter2010 year
All summer student and thesis student positions for the upcoming year have been filled. Also please note that we do not accept volunteers for the summer semester.
Dawn & the Bowdish lab’s work featured on “At Guelph” magazine
Dawn, a University of Guelph graduate, will be returning to her alma mater to give a talk on “Mechanisms of Immune Control of Streptococcus pneumoniae in the Upper Respiratory Tract” on Jan. 14 at 11 a.m. in OVC Pathobiology, Room 1810. For a short synopsis of our work see link to article here.
Bowdish lab will accept Biochem3A03/Health Science3H03 students this summer. (Positions filled as of Feb 6 2011)
The Bowdish lab has two positions for six week course students (e.g. Biochem 3A03/Health Science 3H03 or other disciplines). These positions are designed for students who are considering a 4th year thesis project but want to have the advantage of full time immersion in the lab during the summer. We have two projects available, one on the role of monocytes/macrophages in host defence against Streptococcus pneumoniae and the other on the discovery of novel signalling motifs in the macrophage scavenger receptors. Students will be required to write a 1 page outline of their research goals at the beginning of their project, to meet daily with their bench supervisor and bi-weekly with Dr. Bowdish and to write a 4-5 page report on their research project in a journal format and will be graded on these written reports in addition to their progress at the bench. Students are strongly encouraged to have WHMIS, Fire Safety and BSL2 safety training prior to commencing their project. If you are interested, please see our FAQ page for requirements and if you are qualified, please contact Dr. Bowdish directly.