Tag Archives: infectious disease
SARS-CoV-2 and back to school- 2021
How does the delta variant change our back-to-school considerations? In this video, Dr Bowdish discusses the latest science around the delta variant and what we need to do to keep schools safe. Powerpoint slides available here. For other formats, contact Dr. Bowdish.
Mactalks: Outbreaks, vaccines & immunity: Inside long-term care with Andre Picard & Andrew Costa
Join Globe and Mail health columnist André Picard in conversation with McMaster University researchers Dawn Bowdish and Andrew Costa about the impact of COVID-19 and its implications for older Canadians.
SARS-CoV-2 & Back-To-School (Part 2). Ventilation & cleaning concerns
SARS-CoV-2 and Back-to-School Part 2: Transmission through air and surfaces
In Part 2 of this series we discuss the relative risk of infection through circulating air and on surfaces and some easy examples of how to break up air circulation patterns in schools.
Major points include:
1) Risks from circulating air versus surfaces
2) How masks, outside time (especially during meal time and when shouting/singing/playing music) and opening windows and doors can help reduce risk.
3) What to clean and when.
4) Beware of the break room! Occupational transmission often comes from colleagues – reduce the risk.
To download the slides, click here.
SARS-CoV-2 and Back to School (Part 1)
If children can catch SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 and carry as much of the virus, why are we considering opening schools? In part 1 Dr. Bowdish discusses how the virus spreads and why this might be different between children and adults. (Short answer= children spread less because they are more likely to be asymptomatic and less likely to cough/sneeze when they are infected than adults.) Topics covered in this presentation include: 1) Which countries have successfully opened schools and why? 2) Why droplet size matters? Coughs and sneezes spread more than talking/breathing. 3) Symptoms that differ between adults and kids. 4) Priority #1 for keeping schools safe – keep people with symptoms, no matter how mild out.
To download the slides used in this talk see click here. If you would like the video in another format (e.g. .mp4, .wmv) please email Dr. Bowdish at bowdish.ca.
Older adults and COVID19
Older adults are some of the hardest hit by SARS-CoV2/COVI19 and they deserve our protection. Dr. Bowdish talks about the importance of keeping them safe during this epidemic.
Dr. Bowdish talks with the CBC about whether we should worry about the coronovirus.
Canada is repatriating citizens from Wuhan, China. Should we be worried that this will bring the coronovirus to Canada?
Dr. Bowdish talks to CBC about the risks of bringing Canadians home, what we can do to protect ourselves from infection, and reveals that there is a virus circulating in Canada right now with similar symptoms that has killed hundreds of Canadians and is expected to kill hundreds more (it’s influenza and you should get your flu shot).
White Paper: “As One of Canada’s Top Killers, Why Isn’t Pneumonia Taken More Seriously?” with Ryerson’s Institute of Aging