Mike Dorrington (PhD candidate) discovers that MARCO is required for recognition and removal of S. pneumoniae in the sinuses.

Despite having multiple vaccines against Streptococcus pneumoniae available today, over a million people die each year due to pneumococcal infections. Mike Dorrington, a Ph.D. candidate in the Bowdish lab, is attempting to understand how to produce better vaccines by gaining a better grasp on how the immune system fights these bacteria. Mike has recently published a manuscript entitled “MARCO is required for TLR2- and NOD2-mediated responses to Streptococcus pneumoniae and clearance of pneumococcal colonization in the murine nasopharynx” in the Journal of Immunology. Mike’s work focuses on the importance of macrophage scavenger receptors in immune protection against S. pneumoniae, the most common cause of bacterial pneumonia. This manuscript provides us with evidence that Macrophage Receptor with Collagenous structure (MARCO), a class A scavenger receptor, plays an integral role in establishing and maintaining the appropriate innate immune response to the bacteria in its preferred niche, the nasal passage.

At the celebration of Mike’s first first author publication. Although Dawn is mostly happy for Mike, she is also slightly nervous that she might be about to lose an eye when the champagne is opened.

















     S. pneumoniae is a very common pathogen that causes fatal disease in children under the age of 5 (where it often causes meningitis) and adults over the age of 65 (where it most often presents in pneumonia). Before infectious disease occurs, bacteria colonize the nasal passages of individuals where they replicate. If the bacteria are able to persist for long enough, they will then move to the lungs, blood, or meninges and cause potentially life-threatening disease. It has previously been shown that the clearance of the bacteria from the nasal passages was dependent on an influx of macrophages to the site. These cells are able to internalize and kill the bacteria efficiently. MARCO is expressed by these active macrophages and has been shown to play a role in the recognition of the bacteria.

Mike’s work shows that mice who lack MARCO expression are unable to clear bacterial colonization in a timely fashion. This is due to a decrease in a number of innate immune functions. First, MARCO-deficient mice have significantly less recruitment of innate immune cells such as neutrophils and macrophages to the site of colonization. Without these cells, the bacteria are free to thrive and replicate in the nasal passage, increasing the chance that they will travel to further tissues and cause disease. MARCO-deficient mice also present with less inflammation than they’re wild-type counterparts, as seen by a paucity of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines including, surprisingly, type I interferons (cytokines associated with antiviral immunity). These data are supported by experiments performed in vitro using macrophage populations from MARCO-deficient and wild-type mice. When these cells are stimulated with S. pneumoniae, the MARCO-deficient macrophages produce less cytokines and chemokines. These cells are also less able to internalize the bacteria, a key step in the destruction of the pathogens.

A potentially ground-breaking finding that comes from Mike’s work is that MARCO is able to modulate the activity of other important innate immune receptors. Mike has shown that NF-kB activation in S. pneumoniae-stimulated cells expressing MARCO along with TLR2 and its co-receptor CD14 is much higher than cells not expressing MARCO. This is also true of cells expressing MARCO as well as NOD2 when compared to those expressing just NOD2. As NF-kB is a central regulator of immune function, this represents a very important step in our understanding of antibacterial innate immune responses in the nose.

Mike’s work on MARCO will continue as he attempts to uncover the mechanism by which MARCO increases NF-kB activation by these other receptors. It is his hope to be able to apply these advances in the basic science to vaccine development in order to generate an effective strain-independent vaccine against S. pneumoniae infection.

Dr. Bowdish receives a CIHR Operating Grant from the Institute of Aging.

Dr. Bowdish’s grant, titled Macrophage function changes and contributes to susceptibility to infectious disease, was awarded $730,124 from the CIHR Institute of Aging.  This new grant will examine age-related changes in monocytes and macrophages to better understand aspects of aging that increase suceptibility to Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. This grant will likely allow Dr. Bowdish to hire a new post-doctoral fellow and graduate student. Interested applicants should consult the FAQ page.

MIRC scientists were highly successful in this recent round of CIHR funding (especially considering the low rates of funding!). To see who else got funded, click here.



Dr. Chris Verschoor’s award winning work on pneumonia in the elderly profiled.

To read about the work which won him the prestigious M.G. DeGroote post-doctoral fellowship, see this article…http://fhs.mcmaster.ca/main/news/news_2012/mgdfa_recipients_2011.html

Dr. Verschoor is tackling an issue of grave importance to Canada’s aging population – the high toll of infectious disease. As an example, 90% of pneumonia deaths in Canada occur in the elderly at tremendous cost to our health care system. Pneumonia is often the result of a period of decreased mobility (e.g. hip fracture and hospital stay) and the beginning of a decline in health. Preventing infections would keep the elderly healthy for longer and provide increased independence, decrease the cost of care and result in longer, happier lives.

Congratulations to Dr. Chris Verschoor on received the M.G. DeGroote Post-doctoral fellowship

Dr. Chris Verschoor has won the Micheal G. DeGroote Postdoctoral fellowship for 2011-2012. The prestigious Michael G. DeGroote Fellowship Awards provide postdoctoral candidates in the Faculty of Health Sciences the opportunity to pursue leading-edge health sciences research.The awards are designed for candidates who have an exemplary academic record and are interested in pursuing postdoctoral work in one of the numerous areas of research excellence in the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University.

Dr. Verschoor won the award for his innovative project proposal on discovering the fundamental basis of susceptibility to pneumonia in the elderly. Pneumonia is a leading cause of death and decline of function in the elderly and a significant cost to the Canadian Health Care System. Dr. Verschoor proposes to discover the underlying molecular mechanisms of their increased susceptibility with a long term goal of discovering innovative therapies.

(Position filled Sept 14 2010) Post-doctoral position in Immunosenescence Available

Would you like to build your career exploring the immunology of aging?

In the Western world the majority (>90%) of deaths due to pneumonia occur in the elderly. Why they are at such high risk is not entirely clear, but presumably immunosenescence (age related changes in the immune system) is a key factor.  The high mortality rate is compounded by co-infections, such as influenza infection. This research project involves developing a mouse model of Streptococcus pneumoniae colonization and infection in aged mouse and determining how co-infection with influenza increases the risk of developing pneumonia. This will include a both a basic science component (i.e. deteremining how age-associated changes in immunity contribute to susceptibility to infection) and a translational component (i.e. testing therapeutic interventions).

An immediate post-doctoral opportunity is available for a creative scientist with a strong commitment to excellence and innovation to pursue leading edge research in immunology. Although this is presently only a 1 year position, this may be extended if the applicant obtains fellowship funding. Candidates with experience in virology or mouse models of infection are especially encouraged to apply.

The position is in the Department of Pathology & Molecular Medicine at McMaster University located in the heart of the Golden Horseshoe in southern Ontario.  McMaster University has been ranked as one of Canada’s most research intensive universities known for it’s highly collaborative and mentoring atmosphere.

Interested candidates should send a CV, cover letter and three references to Dr. Dawn Bowdish (bowdish@mcmaster.ca, www.bowdish.ca).