I spoke at a post-doctoral fellow career day and there was a session on creating a teaching dossier. I am currently working on mine for tenure & promotion so if you’re curious here is my…
…and here’s the documents that McMaster has prepared on preparing a teaching dossier and the formatting they prefer.
As a note, this is formatted in the way recommended by the Dept of Pathology & Molecular Medicine at McMaster. Other institutes & departments will have other stylistic preferences, if you’re able get an example from your department. I haven’t included my teaching tables (basically a summary of student ratings and attendance of my courses). They are not particularly interesting but if there is interest I am happy to post them.
Don’t be shy – I’m a big fan of crowdsourcing so tell me what you think & what can be improved. Also, this is a teaching example of me as an assistant professor, I am happy to share my documents I created when I was applying for positions, just email & ask.